Monday, November 15, 2010

Not all wine from Trader Joes is good......

So this weekend we had friendsgiving and I may or may not have drank a crap ton of wine...... We ended up playing some drinking game, which in turn caused me to get even more buzzed off wine.....WHICH lead to a headache for the next 10 hours. So that being said, F yo couch nasty trader joes wine....

Trader Joes Wines' ummm......Couch

But that was just the START of my horrible eating this weekend. I had Burger King, Arbys, a lot of dessert, and Cici's Pizza.........Which by the way is pretty dominating....


I probably ate more carbs this weekend than I have in the last month total.... But my body needed it, I actually felt good this morning when I woke up. Normally when I eat shitty.... I FEEL shitty too but, not this time.

The weekend all in all was good, Me, Allie and Hayden had a good weekend overall! But honestly I never had a bad weekend with those two... they really give me something to work toward. I no longer have to be selfish with my bright future.

Soooo onto today, we didn't sell a damn thing. I love Mondays.......only when we Gro$$........ But optimistically our advertising should hit this week and that will give us a nice boost.

I'm more determined than ever to succeed. I'm devising my 3 month, 1 year and 3 year plans... Goal setting is damn important to be successful, it's honestly the only way to measure success... People can call you successful and what not; but, if you aren't in your own mind then it doesn't mean anything.  In 3-5 years I WILL be a Millionaire. I don't give a damn what it takes but, it starts with and ENDS with me, well and God. But I really do believe it's a part of my plan. It won't happen with just one gym however. For me to be on this track, the next 6 months are SO imperative. We need to grow by 200 members over the next 6 months. So our team is going to have to put our nose to the grind stone. Boosting advertising: Internal and External, will be key. So because of this I am working on our next 6 months marketing plan and NOT pulling any punches. WE WILL SUCCEED!


Well todays food plan had a little bit of change to it!

Meal 1:
30 G Oats
99 G Blue Berries
2 TBSP Peanut Butter
2 Scoops Scivation Whey

Meal 2
3 Scoops of Solution 5

Meal 3
6 OZ Shrimp
24 Almonds
1 Cup Broccoli

6 OZ Shrimp
24 Almonds
1 Cup Broccoli

Meal 5
186 G Turkey Burger
99 G Raspberries
2 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 6
Scivation Whey
99 G Raspberries
30 G Oats

Shrimp...was a good change but I kinda feel like garbage.. It doesn't agree with me very much, I forgot about that from my Mexico trip last year.

Short and Sweet.. I gotta go workout. I have Legs tonight! Gotta whoop it up! Onward out....

Heres todays jam, PICK UP THIS ALBUM!!!

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